Choosing a gate style - Do’s and Don’ts

Do – think about what your gate is there to do. Eg

1.      Security, keep property safe and prevent unwanted intruders.

2.      Privacy, to prevent people looking in.

3.      Add value to your home by creating a beautiful entrance and adding street appeal.

4.      Keep kids and /or animals safe.

Thinking about these things will help you decide on some parameters for gate design. 

 Do - think about your house, fence, garden and gate as a homogenous group.  Choose a gate style that will work with the rest of your property and look ‘right’. Don’t shy away from asking for a professional opinion as a wrong choice might be something you are stuck with for a long time.

 Do – consider the material you gate will be constructed from – I make Timber gates so of course that is my preference. Timber is beautiful, timeless, and inviting whereas steel and aluminium are cold and imposing. Well that’s my opinion.

Don’t – choose a gate style based on how it looks on someone else’s house. Or how it looks online – You need to imagine that gate on your house, blending in with the surroundings, your roofline, the gate pillars, fence etc.

 Don’t – choose a solid or large gate and think that automation is unnecessary. In medium to strong winds a manual gate can become dangerous to you, children and itself. One solid slam can crack the joints of a gate and be almost impossible to fix.  Good automation makes your gate both convenient and much safer.

 If you are after a natural timber finish - Don’t – fall for the idea of letting the timber grey off naturally. Even if you are looking for that lovely silvered finish you need to put in some work to get it, unless you live right opposite the beach with a lot of salty wind

 Don’t - ignore the need for maintenance of both your gate and the gate automation – A yearly maintenance check, hinge adjustment, motor service and control box clean is necessary to keep you gate running smoothly and fix small problems before they become large ones. 


Custom Timber Gates on Custom Steel Frames: A Perfect Blend of Beauty and Strength


Caring for outdoor timber